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People Operations Services in Freshservice


Hiring Managers: Use the Intent to Hire form when you anticipate an open position. This allows departments like People Operations and IT to prepare before there is an offer extended. 

Need assistance filling a position?

Fill out the Recruitment Services portion as well. 

Services can vary based on operating company needs. Services include:

   - Sourcing of candidates

   - Interviewing candidates

   - Assessing candidates

   - Offer letter preparation and/or guidance

How to put in a service request:

Step 1: Click Managed Bookmarks and select Freshservice

Step 2: Click Request New Service

Step 3: Click People Operations on the Service Categories menu on the left side of the screen. 

Step 4: Click Request Now under Recruitment Services: Intent to Hire.

Step 5: Fill in the appropriate information on the Intent to Hire form including: Position Title, if this is a new position or not, if the position is budgeted for, and if this is a full or part-time opportunity. 

Note you can request this service for someone else. Check the Request for someone else box and you will be prompted to enter that person's email that you are making the request for. 

You will also be required to attach an updated job description if you choose to use Intent to Hire: Recruitment Services. 

Step 6: Check the Intent to Hire: Recruitment Services if you need any or all recruitment services. This triggers the recruiter to get in contact with you about the position. 

If you do not intend to use TalentLaunch Recruitment Services, do not check this box.

Step 7: Fill out the appropriate information under Intent to Hire: Recruitment Services. Remember, if you use this additional service, you will need to attach an updated job description. 

Step 8: Click Place Request to complete the service request. 

See the attached guide for more details on how to request the Intent to Hire People Operations Service in Freshservice. 

Click Here to use the Intent to Hire service now!

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